Why is there water spotting on the glass after cleaning in the glass washer?

Why is there water spotting on the glass after cleaning in the glass washer?


     The application of glass washing machine greatly improves the cleaning efficiency of glass, but sometimes water spots appear on the surface of glass after cleaning, which not only affects the aesthetics of glass, but also may affect its subsequent use. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the causes of water spots after glass cleaning and its solutions. The following will analyse why there are water spots on the glass after cleaning by glass washing machine:

glass washing machine

1. Irregular operation and improper parameter settings

Temperature setting problem: In the cleaning process, the temperature setting of the slow pulling process is too low will lead to incomplete evaporation of water, easy to form watermarks after drying.

Speed setting problem: too fast speed in the cleaning process or drying process will make the water flow on the glass surface irregular, thus leaving water spots after drying.

Irregular operation: operators who do not operate according to the prescribed procedures may also lead to incomplete cleaning, which in turn will form water spots.

2. Wind knife design and installation problems

Defective air knife design: If the air knife of the cleaning machine is not reasonably designed, it may not be able to effectively blow clean the water stains on the glass surface.

Improper installation and adjustment: If the installation position and angle of the air knife are not adjusted properly, it will also affect the drying effect and lead to the production of water spots.

3. Cleaning agent and water quality issues

Improper choice of cleaning agent: If the cleaning agent used is not suitable for glass material, it may leave stains that are difficult to remove.

Water quality problems: cleaning with poor water quality, containing impurities or too many minerals, will also leave water spots after drying.

4. Equipment maintenance is not in place

Lack of cleaning and maintenance: If the inside of the washing machine has not been cleaned and maintained for a long time, the accumulated dirt may contaminate the glass surface.

Wear and tear of parts: If the brushes, sponges and other parts of the cleaning machine are badly worn, it will also affect the cleaning effect and lead to water spots.

5. Environmental factors affect

Excessive humidity: high humidity in the cleaning environment will slow down the evaporation of water and easily form water spots on the glass surface.

Temperature fluctuations: Fluctuations in the ambient temperature during the cleaning process will also affect the drying effect, which will lead to the production of water spots.

6. Problems of the glass itself

Problem of glass material: Different materials of glass have different absorption and evaporation rates of water, and some materials are more likely to produce water spots.

Improper surface treatment: If the glass surface is improperly treated, such as uneven coating, it may also lead to the formation of water spots.

7. Improper post-processing

Incorrect wiping method: Improper wiping method after cleaning, such as too much force or poor quality of wiping fabric, may leave traces on the glass surface.

Incorrect drying method: If incorrect drying method is used, such as insufficient drying time or insufficient drying temperature, it will also leave water spots.

8. Chain and transmission part of the problem

Loose or over-tensioned chain: If the chain of the cleaning machine is loose or over-tensioned, it will affect the operation of the brushes, thus leading to uneven cleaning.

Abnormalities in the transmission section: Abnormal noises from the transmission section may be caused by insufficient lubrication or wear and tear, all of which can affect the cleaning results.

In addition, the following measures can be taken in order to solve the problem of water spots after glass cleaning:

● Ensure that the operator follows the correct operating procedures for cleaning to avoid water spots caused by improper operation.

● Regularly inspect and maintain the cleaning equipment to ensure the proper functioning of the air knife and other key components.

● Select appropriate cleaning agents and ensure water quality to avoid water spots caused by problems with cleaning agents and water quality.

● Pay attention to the control of environmental factors and try to wash and dry under relatively constant temperature and humidity conditions.

● Appropriate pre-treatment and post-treatment of the glass to avoid water spots caused by problems with the glass itself.

     In general, glass washing machine cleaning after the glass water spot is a multi-factor integrated effect of the results. By standardising the operation process, setting the equipment parameters reasonably, maintaining the equipment regularly, choosing the right cleaning agent and water quality, controlling the environmental factors and treating the glass surface properly, the production of water spots can be effectively reduced or even avoided. For the water spots that have appeared, you can also take the appropriate chemical and physical methods to remove. Through these measures, the cleanliness and aesthetics of the glass after cleaning can be ensured to meet the needs of users.

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